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Mortgage companies often face the huge challenge of transfer of title from the seller to the buyer. Not only is this process resource intensive, it also involves many nuances that require a considerable expenditure of time and money at this crucial stage. Title ordering, financial analysis, title transfer, obtaining property insurance, acquiring the mortgage policy, etc., are some key requirements when dealing with property titles. Mortgage Outsourcing Benefits For over 10 years, USALP has worked with companies of varying sizes, handling the complexities of their title work. With a core team of mortgage and financial professionals, we meticulously assist our clients with ordering and examining titles, developing title insurance and making work a whole lot easier for our customers' underwriters.

Title Support Assistance We Offer

USALP Mortgage Title support services include


Mortgage Title Insurance

Title insurance is an important aspect covering the property in question. It protects both the buyer and the seller. The lending institution and the borrower both require separate title insurance coverage for the property involved in the transaction, since the lender's insurance policy does not protect the interests of the buyer. Therefore, the buyer needs separate title insurance to cover his risks. The title insurance held by the lender ensures that the property has a valid mortgage lien. USALP can order the title on behalf of the lender, after carrying out due diligence.


Title Search and Ordering

Based on the specific needs of the buyer and the lending company, we can search and order titles based on area, county, or city. The title search, however, can be executed by the company itself, following which we can order the title. Working with loan officers, we can coordinate with title companies to obtain a detailed report of the title. Through constant follow-ups, we acquire an accurate and exhaustive title report. USALP offers comprehensive title support for companies, read more.


Title Commitment

After completing the title search and ordering the title, we obtain a commitment report. It contains the details of the title insurance and conditions of insurance. At this stage, we can start to clear anomalies and defects that were identified during the title examination. This will facilitate a smooth closure between the lender and the buyer.


Title Examination

To protect both the lender and the buyer of a property, title examination is an essential task to clear any defects and disputes attached to a property. It serves as an anti-fraud mechanism for the lender. While performing the title, search is the responsibility of the closing agent, ordering the title search is the lender's responsibility. A thorough and meticulous check needs to be carried out while examining the title. The search encompasses taxes, lawsuits, judgments, liens, and legal claims. USA-LP ! team can perform an exhaustive examination of the title and ensure that the lender is insulated from fraudulent property transactions.